Credential Status Definitions

Workers - Credential Status Definitions

(LW, Portable / Non-Portable, Unassigned, Former, Emeritus)

Licensed Worker (LW) - A person who holds active credentials with the Western District of the Alliance Canada. Licensed workers and workers emeriti shall retain active membership in a C&MA church unless such membership is not possible due to exceptional circumstances as approved by the licensing authority.

Portable License - The portable license shall be for persons who are called, gifted, and appropriately trained to serve the Church at large both within the setting of a local church and/or in other ministries. Persons holding the portable license are eligible for ministry anywhere within, or on behalf of, the C&MA in Canada. All senior pastors and non-local church licensed personnel shall carry the portable license unless specifically authorized by the licensing authority. Only those holding a portable license may use the titles “pastor” or “reverend” (upon ordination) and may oversee the administration of the ordinances and the solemnization of marriages.

Non-Portable License - The non-portable license shall be for persons who are called and gifted to serve in a particular local church or as an international worker in a particular ministry. Those holding the non-portable license may administer the ordinances under the authority of the senior pastor, district superintendent, or regional developer and, if responsible for a church, may be given the title “pastor” by special permission of the district superintendent or president.

Unassigned - When a person with a portable license leaves their position their credentials will become unassigned. They may retain his/her license for the balance of the current year and one additional year. Any extension of time beyond this period shall be at the discretion of the licensing authority only. In order to retain a license, the unassigned person must be available for ministry.​

Former Worker - A person who's credentials have lapsed with the Western District of The Alliance Canada. After a lapse of five years the candidate must reapply for licensing.​

Emeritus License - ​Those workers who have held an official worker portable license for at least twenty-five years and who have retired from employment with the C&MA in Canada may be granted a lifetime worker emeritus license. The worker emeritus license does not qualify the worker for voting status at District Conference or General Assembly. Those carrying the worker emeritus license continue to uphold the code of ethics for licensed workers (‘A Call to Excellence’) and are subject to the Policy on Discipline, Restoration and Appeal for Official Workers and the Policy on Process for Mediation and Arbitration for Official Workers of the C&MA.