Camp Chamisall

Camp Chamisall

Camp Chamisall

Why Camp?

In a world where youth are increasingly disengaged from church and the faith is more important than ever for the church to invest in ministries that can deeply impact their spiritual journey. One of the most effective, and often overlooked, avenues is camp ministry. As a Christian youth pastor with a passion for camp ministry, I can confidently say that church camps are not just fun getaways—they are transformative experiences that shape the faith of young people in profound ways.

Recent studies, including insights from the 2023 Alliance Trend Tracker magazine, reveal an alarming trend: more young people are leaving the church and walking away from their faith as they enter adulthood. This spiritual drift is a critical issue for the church today, and while there is no single solution, camp ministry offers a powerful opportunity to address it.

A study produced by Faith Today Publications in 2018, by Rick Hiemstra, Lorianne Dueck and Matthew Blackaby, titled “Renegotiating Faith”, talks about emerging adulthood. The study looks at young adults from ages 18-28. It looks at the many factors of this trend, but more importantly it looks at those who continue in their faith walk and what are the key elements.

“Participation in Christian camping is positively correlated with young adults religious service attendance, connecting with new churches after moving out of the parental home, and connecting with Christian campus groups at college or university.” Here’s why investing in camp ministry should be a priority for every church:

1. Deep, Relational Ministry

One of the most powerful aspects of camp is the intentional community it creates. Camp ministry is a space where youth can build meaningful relationships with their peers, counselors, and mentors—relationships that go beyond surface-level interactions. These connections foster a sense of belonging and trust, which is vital for young people as they navigate questions of identity, faith, and purpose. In an environment where they are away from the distractions of daily life, campers can be more open to hearing and responding to God’s call on their lives.

2. Experiential Faith Formation

Camp is more than just teaching—it’s about experiencing the presence of God. Through worship, Bible study, outdoor activities, and campfires, young people are able to encounter God in a tangible way. These experiences create lasting memories and deepen their understanding of faith that goes far beyond what they might learn in a classroom or church service. At camp, young people can see, hear, and feel the love of God in a way that resonates deeply with them. It's a place where faith is lived out and learned experientially.

3. A Safe Space for Spiritual Growth

For many youth, camp offers a unique, safe environment to wrestle with their faith. Whether they are dealing with doubts, personal struggles, or a sense of spiritual emptiness, camp provides a space where they can be honest, vulnerable, and open to God’s transformative work. The counseling staff at camps not only leads activities but also offers a safe place for the emotional and spiritual needs of young people. This support helps campers make decisions that align with God's purpose for their lives.

4. Discipleship and Leadership Development

The impact of camp ministry extends far beyond the week spent at camp itself. Many youth return home from camp with a renewed passion for their faith and a desire to lead in their communities. The leadership training and discipleship that takes place during camp empowers young people to live out their faith boldly and effectively in the world. In fact, a significant number of students who commit their lives to Christ or experience deep transformation at camp go on to become leaders in their churches and communities.

5. Long-Term Kingdom Impact

The fruits of camp ministry are long-lasting. Studies show that young people who attend Christian camps are more likely to remain active in church, engage in regular Bible study, and even pursue careers in ministry. When churches invest in camp ministry, they are not only affecting the lives of individual youth; they are shaping the future of the Church itself. These investments produce lifelong disciples who are committed to spreading the gospel and serving God’s kingdom.

As we face the challenges of youth disengagement and spiritual drift, camp ministry stands as a beacon of hope. By investing time, energy, and resources into this life-changing ministry, the church can create a space where young people are not only drawn closer to God but are equipped to live out their faith in powerful ways. “But can’t our youth ministry do the same thing?”. Many youth pastors have told me that “More happens in a week of camp than in a full year of youth ministry.” Camp is a bridge builder, a partnership to increase the work and impact of your youth ministries, and to work together in investing in a precious resource, our youth.

Let’s not underestimate the impact of camp. It’s not just an event—it’s an investment in the future of the Church.

Why camp? Because the next generation deserves an opportunity to encounter God in a way that will change their lives forever.

Kathy Sullivan – February 2025
