Syria-Turkey Earthquake Response Update

March 13, 2023

The Alliance Canada

Our response to the aftereffects of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria is ongoing and through partnerships on the ground. Thank you for your participation.

In Turkey, we are working with some long-term Canadian Alliance business people who are connecting us to local churches and an association in a few affected cities. Help offered on the ground includes helping set up and supply small ‘tent cities,’ providing food and warm clothing. Church buildings and members’ homes are being used to house people.

In Syria, there is a National Alliance Church, and in recent days, we have been able to be on Zoom calls with The Alliance President and an Alliance Pastor in Aleppo to discuss ongoing support. On the ground in Aleppo, the church is housing 200 people, providing them with meals, and reaching out to the surrounding areas to support 500 people with meals, warm clothes, mattresses, and medication. Those who are the helpers on the ground are wearing out. Pray for strength and that they can somehow get a break. We are coordinating with the larger Alliance World Fellowship family to get financial support into Syria to purchase the needed supplies. Some of our Alliance brethren have tried to get goods in from neighbouring countries and have been turned back at the border. Additionally, we have partnered with another Non-Government Organization (NGO) in Canada with a particular emphasis in that region to get similar sorts of help into the Aleppo area primarily.

In both instances, after this initial stage of immediate relief eases, the longer-term issues that come from so much destruction will need to be addressed, and that will be a long and challenging road. Media coverage will decrease, while the need will not decrease for long. We will do all we can to walk with our brothers and sisters in serving the affected in both countries while giving voice to the hope that is within us to those we serve. Please continue to pray, and should you be able to give as well, here is a link to our Global Emergency Response Fund.

Mark Jones International Strategy Director: Relief & Development and Business for Transformation

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The Alliance Canada

The Alliance Canada is people in churches sharing the love, truth, and hope of the Gospel with people worldwide who may never have heard the name “Jesus” before.

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