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Is Modern Missions Colonialism All Over Again?

A friend of mine is a pastor of outreach at his church in a large Canadian city. In a recent conversation with a long-time congregant, he was asked...
Not Needed . . . But Called, Sent and Invited

Not Needed . . . But Called, Sent and Invited

It was early on in our “missionary career.” We were about to complete our formal two years of Arabic language studies, which according to the then ...
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A Reflective Pathway to a Digital Missiology

Our world is amid the most significant technological change in four hundred years. Like all important changes, the initial shock wave of impact is ...
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Always Room for One More

One of the most accessible forms of mission across the globe is offering another the gift of hospitality. There is a universal symbol for this phen...
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From Winnipeg to the Nations: There and Here

There is an old joke that gets told on the Prairies about how the land is so flat you can watch your dog run away for three days. Now I’ve never lo...
A image of a lot of fruit at a market stall.

Spiritual Infidelity: Renewal Without Mission

Lazarus is dead. These were the words of Jesus about a beloved friend, someone cherished in His heart. Later, the shortest and one of the most me...
An image of somebody with a parachute gliding over the mountains

Energized for Mission

“The key to the missionary problem is the missionaries. They believe in the presence of the Spirit of God, but they lack the encounter. There never...
Unreached People Groups: The Church’s Dilemma

Unreached People Groups: The Church’s Dilemma

Brown and Kenzo, whose fertile minds conceived the idea for this book, have stated it should be a “light” theology of mission for laity and clergy,...
What about People Who Have Never Heard about Jesus?

What about People Who Have Never Heard about Jesus?

I met Natasha in southern Russia in 1995. Russia was recovering from seventy years of Communist rule. She had just graduated from university with a...