President Herbold Update | August 2023

August 23, 2023

The Alliance Canada

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Hi Alliance Canada, August is one of my favourite months of the year. It feels like one long Sunday afternoon. Still a break, but not quite as busy as before. You know that a bunch of stuff is coming right around the corner, but you get to enjoy the summer as it slowly becomes September. I enjoy those cooler August evenings where you can open the windows and let that fresh air come on in. I’ve been having such a great time with my family. We’re soaking in these summer days, spending time with one another. The long days of summer are providing an amazing opportunity to spend time with my neighbours and to get to know them better. We’ve been engaging with them, having barbecues and slowly but surely showing them the love of Christ.

I recently came back from Southeast Asia with some pastors, and you’ll see some of those videos later on. But friends, it was this incredible time to be with some of our workers and see how they are partnering with God, where he is already at work, how they are part of a legacy of the workers and the nationals who have planted seeds, generations before them, and how people are seeing the love of God and coming to know Jesus through the spiritual foundations that were laid so long ago. Now, developing leaders is a value throughout The Alliance. We are so excited to come alongside leaders across the country in our churches, New Ventures and programs like Envision. This story highlights young leaders in Quebec stepping into New Ventures and new opportunities. There were some specific phrases that stood out to me. I don’t know if they did to you as well. A couple of them were firstly, when they said that, I think one of the characteristics of leadership that’s surfaced is the capacity not just to listen, but to create a space that’s conducive to the conversation.

Another one for me, leadership is really related to the process of forming disciples. And Pastor Jacob, when he says, and this is true for all of us, that it’s not in our own strength and we must rely on God. New Ventures is about bravery, stepping out and trying something new. Those are great lines. Are we creating spaces that are conducive to conversations about God, about life, about the love of Jesus? We’re a movement that desires to multiply disciples everywhere, and I’m so encouraged by stories like this, so encouraged about what God is doing in Quebec and where our people are joining him. You know, this wasn’t planned, but I feel like the Lord has something special for the church in Quebec. And I just wonder, as you’re watching this, would you pray even right now, with me for Quebec, something is happening. I’m not sure what it is, but I’m watching with anticipation to see what the Lord will do.

Another way that we are developing young leaders is this fall Envision is running Greenhouse, a mentorship program. Envision Greenhouse provides young leaders in The Alliance with meaningful mentoring relationships, creative environments to foster growth, and collaboration that goes beyond their local context. For ages 18 to 25 ish, the theme for this cohort for this year is spiritual awakening, and I’m really excited for Alliance young leaders to go through this, and they can sign up at Please keep Greenhouse in mind during your prayers and pray for the next generation of leaders and listen to his voice. Maybe the Spirit will stir your heart to join, or perhaps bring someone to mind that you should encourage to sign up. Or maybe you’re an established leader, and you’re excited about mentoring up and coming leaders. Please reach out. Everyone can sign up and learn more I really hope you’re enjoying your summer.

I’ll leave you with some lines from one of my favourite Psalms, Psalm 104. Let me just paraphrase a few lines specifically. It says that he makes springs pour water into ravines. He quenches thirst, and life flourishes. He waters the mountains, and we in the land are satisfied by the fruit of his work. He makes plants for people to cultivate. Our hearts are gladdened. He makes our faces shine, and he gives us bread to sustain our hearts. These are powerful truths, aren’t they? And good things to meditate on. So Alliance Canada. May your hearts be gladdened. May your faces shine. And may God sustain us as we finish out August and move into the fall. God bless you.

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The Alliance Canada

The Alliance Canada is people in churches sharing the love, truth, and hope of the Gospel with people worldwide who may never have heard the name “Jesus” before.

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