21 Days of Prayer | Day 9: Tuareg

February 9, 2024

The Alliance Canada


Founded under Queen Tin Hinan, the Tuaregs are traditionally monogamous, semi-nomadic herders and warriors. Tuaregs are called the “blue people” of the desert due to their indigo-coloured clothing, which stains their skin. They are also known as the “veiled ones,” since men wear turbans. Tuaregs have their traditional script called Tifinagh, and different regions have their traditional crosses, used as a charm for protection against evil.

In Niger, their population is 2.6 million, though there are possibly only a dozen Tuaregs in Canada. Islam is the main religion, and there are only a handful of scattered local fellowships among the Tuaregs. New believers face being ostracized from all family members, including forced divorce if married. Audio and oral Bible teachings play a vital role among the largely illiterate Tuaregs.


Father, we praise you for the vibrant culture you have given Tuaregs. As seeds are sown through audio and oral Bible teachings, we bless them with open hearts to receive your Gospel. Thank you for calling the Tuaregs to be free. We bless them with Holy Spirit’s presence. Bless them with complete freedom in Christ. We bless Tuareg believers with humble unity and a deeper life in Christ.

May Tuareg Christians be a witness to those around them that many would know of your love. Amen.  

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The Alliance Canada is people in churches sharing the love, truth, and hope of the Gospel with people worldwide who may never have heard the name “Jesus” before.

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