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Luke 9:44-62

Luke 9:44-62

Perhaps we should offer up a simple prayer throughout the day: “Lord, make me a better listener, to you, and to those you bring across my path.”
Luke 9:28–43

Luke 9:28–43

Our experiences of intimacy with Jesus are meant to fuel us on mission with him. We are called to take the truths that we experience on the mountai...
Luke 9:18–27

Luke 9:18–27

Jesus asked the question of questions: Who do people say that I am? He asks this same question into our world today. But a general question is not ...
Luke 9:1–17

Luke 9:1–17

Sometimes we put too much trust in our own abilities, our resources, our experience, and our skills, and too little in God. May God show us His pow...
Luke 8:40–56

Luke 8:40–56

The narratives show how Jesus speaks life into the most hopeless, lifeless areas of our lives, restoring and ‘re-storying’ them.
Luke 8:22–39

Luke 8:22–39

But what we do with that fear, that’s up to us. Do our fears push us towards Jesus, or do they make us push Him away?
Luke 8:1–21

Luke 8:1–21

The issue isn’t whether God is speaking – he always is. The real question is: Are we listening? God’s word is constantly being sown into our lives,...
Luke 7:36–50

Luke 7:36–50

The Gospel is all about what Jesus has accomplished on the cross, providing right relationship with God to those willing to commit their life to Ch...
Luke 7:17–35

Luke 7:17–35

Our circumstances are not a measure of God’s love or pleasure with our lives or ministries. Sometimes we live through the point in our story in whi...