21 Days of Prayer | Day 17: Azerbaijani

February 17, 2024

The Alliance Canada


Zoroastrianism, most widely known for its element of fire worship, was commonly practiced in ancient times and originated in Azerbaijan. Evidence of this old religion is still prolific today. After the disciple Bartholomew preached in Azerbaijan, Christianity grew to be the official religion by the 4th century. Islam became prominent in the 7th century, and as a result, Azerbaijani culture today shows little evidence of its Christian heritage. Today, 90% of Azerbaijani follow Islam.

Azerbaijani value loyalty and hospitality. Tea and bread are considered daily essentials. Azerbaijan is the wealthiest post-Soviet country due to oil and natural gas. However, corruption has slowed development and created economic hardship.

There are 8.8 million Azerbaijani in Azerbaijan and over 20 million in Iran, of which less than 0.25% are believers. About 7,000 Azerbaijanis live in Canada, predominantly in the Toronto area.


Father, rebuild ancient ruins that have been devastated; restore a temple of praise. Restore the Azerbaijani to their gospel roots! Open their eyes to see you and increase their longing to worship you. Bless believers with an increased knowledge of the Scriptures. Anoint them with your Spirit, enabling them to be faithful and bold in witness, withstanding persecution. We call for more workers among the Azerbaijani and ask that a Bible school be established. Bless them with eternal satisfaction in you, Jesus, and we thank you that you are the bread of life. Whoever comes to you will never go hungry, and whoever believes in you will never be thirsty (John 6:35). Amen.  

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