21 Days of Prayer | Day 15: North African Arabs

February 15, 2024

The Alliance Canada

North African Arabs

Over 252 million North African Arabs live in seven different countries. Some North African countries have no fellowships, while others have local fellowships with a higher percentage of Christians. The evangelical population in this region ranges from 0% to 0.39%. Depending on the location, receptivity to the Gospel varies from low to hostile.

Warm and hospitable, with a strong emphasis on family and relationships, many North African Arabs have also found themselves in Canada.


Father, we bless the communities of faith among North African Arabs with an anointing of your Spirit. As they go out, fill them with boldness and courage. May they share your love and truth. Father, thank you for how North African Arabs mirror the hospitality you have shown. We bless North African Arabs with hungry hearts, ready to receive the truth of Jesus Christ.

Come and speak to them through dreams, visions, media, and local believers. You stand at the door and knock. May they hear your voice and open the door so that you can come in. May they eat the Living Bread, drink the Living Water, and be satisfied. We bless those currently searching for you to find more than they ever imagined. Amen  

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The Alliance Canada is people in churches sharing the love, truth, and hope of the Gospel with people worldwide who may never have heard the name “Jesus” before.

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