21 Days of Prayer | Day 12: Japanese

February 12, 2024

The Alliance Canada


Dominated by atheism, Buddhism, and Shintoism, evangelical Christianity represents only 0.5% of the Japanese population. Despite 500 years of Christian presence in Japan, Christianity is regarded as a foreign religion. Over 1,000 cities and half of all the villages have no church. With 126 million, Japan is the largest unevangelized country entirely open to missionaries.

Japan faces many crises. Young people lack hope or confidence in the future; because of this, Japan has a suicide epidemic (over 30,000 per year). High suicide and divorce rates in all age groups confirm the crisis. Economic decline, social isolation, and the constant threats of earthquakes leave many people open to spiritual matters.


Heavenly Father, would you bless the Japanese with hearts that are open to Jesus. Soften their hearts and let the seeds of the Gospel begin to germinate. We speak life over the people and come against the spirit of death that robs them of hope and eternity with Jesus.

May they hear your voice to them today, to “Come alive!” Penetrate every barrier raised against the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Increase your Kingdom among Japanese and help them hear the ‘old message’ with new ears and renewed hope.

“For the idols speak delusion; the diviners envision lies and tell false dreams; they comfort in vain. Therefore the people wend their way like sheep; they are in trouble because there is no shepherd” (Zechariah 10:2). Awaken the Japanese from idolatry and bless them with shepherds after your own heart. Amen.  

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