21 Days of Prayer | Day 11: Tajik

February 11, 2024

The Alliance Canada


The Tajik make up 84% of Tajikistan's population, 25% of Afghanistan's, and 5% of Uzbekistan's. There are 18-25 million Tajiks globally. 98% of Tajiks are Muslim, and less than 0.01% are believers. There are only a few local fellowships and house churches among them. The international workers introduce Jesus to Tajiks by first sharing the stories that Islam and Christianity share: Creation, the Fall, Abraham, Noah, and Moses. Family roots are deep. Obedience and submission to the family keep people from following Jesus openly.

Tajiks are renowned for their generous and welcoming hospitality. They seat their guests in places of honour, furthest away from the door, feeding their guests first and their children last. About 1 million Tajiks work abroad, primarily in Russia, to send remittances to families. Approximately 2,400 Tajikscall Canada home.


Jesus, we thank you that you are the way, the truth, and the life. We bless the Tajik to know the truth and for the truth to set them free. May they know freedom from all shame as they receive your forgiveness. As they come to know you, Jesus, bless them with honesty and purity in their innermost being. Would you call them to the identity of children of God in harmony with the Creator? Would you satisfy their inborn desires for a love relationship with you? Revive their longings for all that is good and satisfy them with rest. We ask that you bless Tajiks with the peace of a secure identity in you. Amen.  

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The Alliance Canada is people in churches sharing the love, truth, and hope of the Gospel with people worldwide who may never have heard the name “Jesus” before.

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