Deep & Wide: A Conference on Ecclesial Engagement with Disability Across Canada

March 7, 2024

The Alliance Canada

A Deeper Communion is an annual conference. This year, we will explore the width and depth of ecclesial engagement with disability across the nation. Friday night will feature scholarly exploration of theology, disability, and the church. Saturday will offer a blend of practical workshops, presentations, and insights from prominent Canadian authors who embody authentic leadership in the exploration of a more inclusive and responsive church.

In addition, we will have workshops of practical importance and TEDD talks featuring diverse perspectives from the disability community. It will be held in three cities: Calgary, Hamilton, and Vancouver. We hope you'll join us! Find out more at  


We welcome proposals on all aspects and from various perspectives on the intersection between disability, theology, and Christian ministry. Selected papers will be grouped into parallel sessions on May 10. Presenters are expected to give their paper in person in one of the three sites: Calgary, Hamilton, or Vancouver. Special accommodations can be arranged for those who face challenges pertaining to presenting in person. A draft or a detailed handout of the accepted paper is expected to be circulated a week before the conference. Please submit your proposal through our website at the link below.

The deadline for proposals is March 31, 2024.

Submit your proposal here

Deep and Wide: Ecclesial Engagement with Disability Across Canada - McMaster Divinity College

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The Alliance Canada is people in churches sharing the love, truth, and hope of the Gospel with people worldwide who may never have heard the name “Jesus” before.

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