21 Days of Prayer: Vietnamese Diaspora in Cambodia | Day 2

February 2, 2025

The Alliance Canada

Three people on a motor bike in traffic. The text on top reads

Pray for the Vietnamese Diaspora:

Dear God, please bless the Vietnamese people in their ardent search for meaning. We pray for an encounter with the Holy Spirit who will lead them to freedom and truth. Would you please anoint the work of your Church in Cambodia, that they may boldly proclaim the gospel message and introduce the Vietnamese people to the love of their Saviour? We pray for their physical needs, that You would provide their daily bread and cure them of their diseases. May they come to know Jesus as the light of the world, not walking in the darkness but having the light of life. (John 8:12). Amen.

Learn more about this least-reached people group:

"There is a long history of Vietnamese immigration into Cambodia, including a 10-year occupation (1979-1989) which led to a deep distrust and hatred of the Vietnamese people.

Approximately 835,000 Vietnamese live in Cambodia, often searching for a better life and not finding it. A vast majority live in extreme poverty and lack access to basic needs. AIDS and tuberculosis are rampant among those living in floating villages. Many earn their living as fishermen, vendors, and common labourers.

Most identify as practicing Mahayana Buddhism, but are unfamiliar with Buddhist teachings. Many are tied to ancestor worship and animism, believing that spirits and deceased relatives have power over the lives of the living.

Only 0.17% of the Vietnamese in Cambodia are Evangelical Christians, and while many resources are available, there is little to no gospel access in most other regions of the country.

Canada is home to over 275,000 Vietnamese people."

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