21 Days of Prayer: Southern Thai | Day 8

February 8, 2025

The Alliance Canada

A number of youth sit around a round table, looking at what the teacher is presenting. The text reads

Pray for the Southern Thai:

Dear Lord, please transform the hearts of the southern Thai to a soil that responds to your good news of salvation. We know that you have their names engraved at the palm of your hands (Isaiah 49:16). Thank you for the love of family that you have imbued into their hearts. Would you use these strong relationships to forge pathways for the gospel message to be proclaimed boldly? We pray for divine appointments with people of peace so that all the people of Thailand would realize their need for a Saviour. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Learn more about this least-reached people group:

The Southern Thai speak a variant of the Thai language, and practice a folk Islam mixed with animism, despite the country being predominantly Buddhist.

The Southern Thai Muslims maintain strong ties to Malay Islamic culture, with practices like halal food and prayer playing a central role in daily life. They usually live on beaches and marshy swamp lands which are laden with fish that get exported to other countries. Fruit and rice farming and cattle production also dominate the agricultural economy as well as producing rubber and coconuts.

Family ties are important to the culture, with various generations often residing in a single dwelling. Various ancestral customs and rituals have also prevailed, including the worship of supernatural objects and appeasing spirits through prayer, sacrifices, and offerings. Some villages may have a “bomo”, a kind of an exorcist and spiritual healer.

About 20,000 Thai call Canada home and the vast majority are Buddhist.

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