21 Days of Prayer: Basque | Day 11
Pray for the Basque people:
Jesus, we call upon the promises made in 2 Chronicles 7:14 where you say: “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” We praise you that the Christian message is known by most of the Basque people in Spain. We pray for a revival in your Church in this region. Please fill them with truth and love, and that you would shed light into areas that are no longer walking according to your statutes. We pray that the simplicity of the gospel would be resurrected in the hearts of your faithful. We pray that they will come back to repentance and be restored back to the fullness of your truth. Lord, we praise your faithfulness to the people of Spain. Please bless evangelization efforts in this land, that churches would be united as Jesus prayed in John 17. Holy Spirit, bring revival to the Basque people and renew them in their spiritual journey. Amen.
Learn more about this least-reached people group:
The Basque people have lived in the Pyrenees mountains between Spain and Southern France since before the Roman Empire. They have preserved their strong sense of regional identity through tradition and their unique language called Euskara and have been a distinct group apart from Spain.
The Basques were traditionally farmers, sheep herders and fishermen. They are industrious people with strong work ethic, playing a key role during the Industrial Revolution as ship builders.
Basque culture is thriving in mostly peaceful regions of Spain, although there is a small group of separatist “freedom fighters” who are attempting to force Spain to give the Basque people independence. While there is a large Catholic Christian religious identity in this region, the Christian faith has been watered down through generations and have been mixed with cultural traditions and celebrations.
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