Our National Ministry Center
The Alliance Canada is a group of approximately 440 local churches across Canada that aim to be a Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, and Mission-focused movement in everything we do.
(The Alliance Canada CRA charitable number: 133063859RR0001)
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The Alliance Canada is organized into six geographic districts. Each district office oversees the licensing, ordination, and supervision of the workers located in that geographic area. Each district has a District Superintendent and together with a team provide resources and guidance for local Alliance churches in areas of growth, leadership, Christian education, missions conferences, multicultural ministries, pastoral care, and church-planting.
Region: British Columbia & Yukon
District Superintendent:
Rev. Mark Peters
Region: Alberta & Northwest Territories
District Superintendent:
Rev. Matt Boda
Region: Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario
District Superintendent:
Rev. Dr. Bernie Van De Walle
Region: Western Ontario
District Superintendent:
Rev. Shane Gould
Region: Quebec
District Superintendent:
Rev. Dr. Mabiala Kenzo
Region: Eastern Ontario & Atlantic Provinces
District Superintendent:
Rev. Curtis Peters