Mission Matters #18 - April 2024

Mission Matters #18 - April 2024

Mission Matters #18 - April 2024

Did you know there's a global mission update from the Western District?   

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Mission Matters #18 - WDO Global Mission Update

A powerful story of God’s faithfulness in the Middle East. 



Is mission a “thing”? In many cases we use mission in a sentence like we refer to a sport. For example, in the sentence, “I’m going to play volleyball,” volleyball is used as a noun. In a similar way, someone might say, “I’m going on a mission trip.” Now I’m not great with grammar, but I do recall that in elementary school they learned me that a noun is a person, place or thing.

The people of God are invited to participate in God’s mission. This is a big task, nothing short of the redemption and restoration of the cosmos.


What culture type are you?

Did you know there are many different culture types through which people see and understand the world? Awareness of basic culture types such as honour-shame, guilt-innocence, and fear-power is vital to cross-cultural mission.

The Culture Test is a FREE, five-minute tool for learning your primary culture type - guilt, shame, or fear (just 25 simple questions). You've learned your personality type, now learn your culture type! Understand global cultures, so you can anticipate the cultural collision.

Projected Christian Change 2020-2050

Observing the average annual rate of change per year, by 2050, Africa is projected to have the highest percentage of global Christians. Asia’s share of the Christian population will also grow while all other regions’ share will be in decline. Europe and North America will become an increasingly lower percentage of global Christianity.


KAIROS intensive course - May 13-17

Here is an excellent opportunity to do KAIROS course in 5 days!

KAIROS is designed to educate, inspire and challenge Christians to meaningful participation in God’s heart for all the nations, facilitating a worldview change. This five-day course provides an opportunity for intense interaction with the material, co-participants and facilitators.

Have you considered a Missions Sunday / Weekend in you church?

If you are looking for ideas or assistance, please reach out to your Global Mission Catalyst - Jerin Thomas at jthomas@thewcd.ca

Following His Will is So Worth It:

Anne Stephens


Global Advance Fund (GAF) Donation Update

Year to Date (YTD) ~ the three months ended March/2024:

GAF Faith Goal for The Alliance Canada YTD = $ 3,621,634

GAF Donations from The Alliance Canada YTD = $ 3,627,982 (100.18% of Faith Goal)

WCD Faith Goal YTD towards the National GAF Faith Goal = $ 1,085,418

WCD Actual Donations YTD towards the National GAF Faith Goal = $ 1,227,368 (113.08% of Faith Goal)

Multiplication Mindset

Evangelize 100k every day or simply make 1 disciple a year, who in turn makes a disciple

Something profound happens when we take a multiplication mindset! Watch this video for a simple explanation of the principles behind missions multiplication. Our role is to make disciple-making disciples and it means starting with one. Who's your one?


The Alliance Family’s Response to the Global Challenges of Today’s Christian Church

Alliance World Fellowship (AWF) President Jura talks about what should be the response of the Christian church to today’s global challenges, and particularly our Alliance family.


Did you know that there is an Arabic Alliance Church in Calgary?

This church represents over 10 Arabic-speaking nations. If you have Arabic-speaking friends or neighbours, Pr. Rawad Shlewet and his team can come alongside to bless them. Check out this video to get a glimpse of God's work through our brothers and sisters.